But what the positive effects of the black death essay was like after this catastrophe? In order to answer this question Sharon N.
DeWitte analyzed the skeletons from medieval graveyards. The archaeologist examined differences in survivorship and mortality risk between the pre- and post-Black Death populations of Positive effects. The results of this study suggest that health of the population improved after this epidemic.
There are compelling reasons essay believe that the plague epidemic had the black death beneficial effects for the health of the subsequent generations. In addition, the Black Death significantly changed the social structure of some European regions. Tragic depopulation created the shortage of working people.
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Consequently, standards of living increased. For instance, people started to consume more food go here higher quality. However, the secondary link were analyzed mostly in the preceding historical studies. Unfortunately, it is difficult to generalize information from these sources, because they document lives positive effects of the black death essay specific members of society.
The positive effects of the black death essay of this information enables researchers to make more reliable inferences about health tendencies of that time.
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The Black Plague, perhaps one of the worst epidemics in history, swept its evil across Europe in the middle of the 14th century, killing an estimated 20 million people. This major population shift, along with other disasters occurring at the time, such as famine and an already existing economic recession, plunged Europe into a dark period of complete turmoil. Anarchy, psychological breakdowns, and the dissipation of church power were some of the results.
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