Gil, Antonio Rodriquez Causes of unemployment and the effectiveness of demand policies. PhD thesis, University of Leeds. The rise in unemployment suffered by many advanced economies sinceparticularly in Europe, has learn more here long standing debates about what policies are better equipped to fight unemployment. In one side of the debate, we find those who believe that structural reforms, particularly in the labour market, are the only way to phd thesis unemployment rate long lasting phd thesis unemployment rate of unemployment.
In the other side of the controversy, we find those who unemployment rate that macroeconomic stimuli ought to be used to tackle unemployment.
According to this approach the NAIRU is exclusively determined by structural features unemployment rate the labour and goods market, which cannot be modified by demand policies. Consequently, the phd thesis policy that can achieve long lasting reductions of unemployment is one that tackles the features of the labour and goods market that determine phd thesis unemployment rate NAIRU.
This characterization of the NAIRU is far from uncontroversial, and many economists argue that there are long run links between aggregate demand and unemployment, which can channel the effects of demand click onto the NAIRU.
Phd thesis unemployment rate well-known example is the hysteresis hypothesis proposed unemployment rate Blanchard and Summersalthough SawyerRowthorn click here, and Hein also propose other channels.
Thus far, empirical research has not been able to settle this controversy. The aim of this thesis is to provide a new empirical assessment of the determinants of the NAIRU and its anchor phd thesis unemployment rate. The unemployment rate cover the period from to This is applied to a theoretical model that encompasses the conflicting views of phd thesis unemployment rate NAIRU that we aim to assess.
The key novelty phd thesis unemployment rate our research is the use of this encompassing model. This is the first time that such an approach has been phd thesis unemployment rate in the literature.
Unemployment rate second novelty of our work is that our sample extends the analysis to the s, a period which has rarely been studied unemployment rate.
rate First, phd thesis unemployment find that in all the countries phd thesis unemployment rate our sample, the NAIRU is determined by at least one of the following variables: Productivity, long term unemployment, capital stock or long term real interest rates.
Second, we find that in all the countries in our sample, the NAIRU is either a weak anchor for here activity or has no phd thesis properties at all.
Actions repository staff only: More information and software credits. Causes of unemployment and the effectiveness of demand policies Gil, Antonio Rodriquez Causes of unemployment and the effectiveness of demand policies.
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