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Doctoral thesis, Durham University. This phd thesis poverty reduction theory explores the relationship between fiscal decentralisation and poverty. The thesis consists of four parts. First part reviews the reduction theory literature addressing different aspects of fiscal phd thesis poverty reduction theory theory phd thesis poverty poverty and highlighting the research gap that this thesis intends to address.
Phd thesis poverty reduction theory also explains phd thesis poverty reduction theory possible channels through which fiscal decentralisation potentially affects poverty. Second here describes the political economy, fiscal decentralisation and poverty in Pakistan.
It underlines that fiscal policy decisions in Pakistan are made to reflect many vested interest groups and institutions that may be failed to provide basic social services.
Additionally, it discusses the development of federalism and fiscal decentralisation in Pakistan and shows that how the vertical and horizontal phd thesis poverty reduction theory distribution affect the social and economic development of the provinces. This part also discusses various approaches, measurements and trends of poverty in Pakistan.
Third part presents a systematic relationship between fiscal decentralisation and poverty both theoretically and empirically. The theoretical framework implies that if the federal transfer rate is larger, then the decentralisation measure will be greater.
Since a larger federal transfer rate theory poverty, poverty and expenditure decentralisation phd thesis poverty expected to be negatively related. In addition to the model, there phd thesis poverty reduction theory an theory empirical study on Pakistan to look at the impact of fiscal decentralisation on poverty besides investigating the potential channels through phd thesis poverty reduction theory sectoral outcomes. Ordinary Least Squared, Fixed and Radom Effect Models and Generalised Method of Moment Instrumental Variables methodology is used on simple time series as phd thesis as panel datasets covering four provinces of Pakistan over the period from to The empirical results suggest a strong relationship between expenditure decentralisation and poverty — proxy alternatively by headcount poverty, poverty gap, severity of poverty and the human development index.
Both rural and urban poverty reduction have poverty reduction significant relationship this web page expenditure decentralisation. The results also reveal that reduction theory improves pro-poor sectoral outcomes of education, health and agriculture that consequently affect poverty.
The last part illustrates the effectiveness of the devolution reforms by transferring fiscal, political and just click for source authorities to local governments on certain reduction theory and economic sectors that are believed to be pro-poor.
The evidence shows that the devolution significantly changes phd thesis poverty reduction theory size and magnitude of investment on many social phd thesis poverty reduction theory economic sectors.
In all provinces, the investment increases in sectors such as education, healthcare, agriculture, water management, water supply and sanitation, rural development and the civil work.
Since these services are strongly associated with local needs, it is reasonable to conclude that the devolution implicitly enhances the living standard of the local communities, especially the poor. Home Research Durham e-Theses.
Depositor Login Administrator Login. Abstract This thesis explores the relationship between fiscal decentralisation and poverty. Quick links Latest additions Search Browse by year Browse by department.
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