This thesis adapts cooperative learning groups methods for the College English teaching learning groups in China. Its focus is on investigating the effects of cooperative learning on students' English language proficiency, learning motivation and social skills, in comparison with traditional whole-class instruction, by employing a pre-test-post-test control group quasi-experimental design.
The first chapter clarifies the context for the research, which includes an introduction about the importance of English phd thesis cooperative teaching in China, a description of the widely used traditional approach, as well as its negative consequences.
Observations are made learning groups the characteristics of College English teaching and recent nationwide College English reform, which have spurred a transformation of the traditional approach at the tertiary level, with a focus on enhancing students' listening and speaking abilities in English.
This is followed by a brief overview of cooperative click to see more, as well as its potential to contribute to Learning groups English teaching. The overall aim phd thesis cooperative learning groups the research and the specific research questions addressed are presented at phd thesis cooperative learning groups end of this chapter.
The second chapter groups of a review of the literature regarding the history of click here learning, the fundamental theoretical underpinnings of cooperative learning, major cooperative learning methods, basic elements of cooperative learning, and its positive outcomes. This chapter also phd thesis cooperative learning groups on key issues in phd thesis cooperative cooperative learning phd thesis cooperative learning groups the classroom and the cultural appropriateness of cooperative learning in China.
In accordance with the specific context for learning groups research, this chapter addresses the relevant connections of cooperative learning to phd thesis cooperative learning groups and foreign language teaching, tertiary education, and large-class instruction.
An extensive review is also included regarding recent studies on using cooperative learning in second and foreign click here teaching around the world learning groups well as in China. The review locates a gap in the phd thesis cooperative learning groups studies; the effectiveness of cooperative learning in teaching English as a foreign language to tertiary learners in China, which constitutes the focus of learning groups thesis.
The third chapter starts with some key concepts essential for quantitative methodology used in this research.
It is followed by an introduction of participants and the general research procedure, which includes a pilot study and a main study employing a pre-test-post-test control group quasi-experimental groups. Details phd thesis cooperative learning groups the intervention procedure are provided, focusing on different teaching methods used in the cooperative learning classroom and the traditional classroom.
This chapter also provides details of the three measures used in this phd thesis cooperative learning groups At the end of the chapter there is an explanation of specific phd thesis and principles for data analysis. In chapter four, results are presented based on analysis of the click to phd thesis cooperative learning groups more from the three measures.
In general, the results focus on seven aspects: The findings provide evidence in favour of cooperative learning in some areas, for instance, in teaching speaking, learning groups and reading, in generating intrinsic motivation, and in incorporating students' equal participation and individual accountability into learning.
The final chapter includes a discussion learning groups cooperative learning findings on the three measures in relation to the findings of previous research. It goes phd thesis cooperative to discuss implications for the practice of English language teaching, with a focus on the challenges of using cooperative learning in Chinese tertiary institutions. These challenges mainly include designing appropriate cooperative learning tasks, extra workload involved in preparing and implementing cooperative learning lessons, limited teaching hours and a large curriculum to cover, as well as students' use of the first language in teamwork.
The learning groups ends with a discussion about the major contributions and limitations of the current study, as well as recommendations for future research.
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Degree Grantor University of Canterbury. Degree Name Doctor of Philosophy.
Collections Education, Health and Human Development:
Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. Cooperative learning is a proven teaching strategy that teachers have been using for over 40 years.
Barham, Areej Isam An assessment of the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies in promoting problem-solving skills and achievement in mathematics. Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield. The study investigates the rationale and value of using cooperative learning strategies in the mathematics classroom with special reference to its effectiveness in promoting problem solving skills and levels of achievement in mathematics.
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