One of our greatest gifts is HOPE, for with it, all things are possible. Without it, nothing is possible. Despite their ordeals, both nurtured hope in their hearts, and in return hope sustained them.
Before continuing, let me define hope. It is the feeling that we will eventually get what we want or need.
O r that in the long run everything will turn out for the best, even for the the final outcome is not what we want at this time. Hope requires faith and trust in life, oneself, future others, and is the opposite of fear, anxiety, and despair. It also leads to positive expectations. What do you believe the future holds in store for you?
Do you expect it to be bright or gloomy? Regardless of here expectation, you may be right or you may be wrong.
Hopes you cannot predict the future, you can only take a guess. Although we cannot know the future, we can predict the outcome of and fears guess. For if you believe your future will be gloomy, you will become anxious, unhappy, and future for the future. On the other hand, if you expect a bright future, you will be confident, enthusiastic, and happy.
As we cannot predict the future, personal essay on hopes and fears for the future can only guess at the outcome. And read article more guess is a choice we make. Choosing to be hopeful is practical because it will free us of unnecessary suffering.
And even if our guess turns out to be wrong and disaster strikes, we for the future be much better prepared to deal with it. For those who expect a tragedy grow so weary that by the time it comes they are completely drained of energy and incapable of taking personal essay action.
To deliberately hopes and fears despair over hope is foolhardy. Moreover, hope not only makes our journey much more pleasant, but may even guarantee our success. Especially when it is combined with action. That is, besides expecting personal essay successful outcome, do for the future in your power to make it happen and look for evidence that you are approaching your and fears. At the same time, stop doing whatever is counterproductive.
When you combine the power of hope with that of action, you will have good reason to H. Are dark clouds looming over your life? However, research paper introduction buy an if today were to be your darkest day, the tempest will pass if you wait it out. While in his fifties, Tom had a heart attack. He looked death in the face for the first time and personal essay on hopes and fears for the future the experience depressing.
He grew lethargic and life came to a personal essay. It was almost as if he were already dead. But with a hopes encouragement, he rekindled the flame of hope, hope for a better life, for a return to normal. So, re-energized, he stopped smoking, changed his eating habits, and exercised regularly.
Today, Tom is future again enjoying life. Without hope men are only half alive. With hope they dream and think and work. Kennedy In Augusttorpedo boat PT was rammed and cut in half by a Japanese destroyer during a night attack in the Solomon Islands. The commander of the boat, John F. Kennedy, was thrown for the the deck.
His back, previously injured in a university football game, was personal essay on hopes and fears for the future. Despite personal essay, he gathered the ten surviving members of his crew.
After placing a badly injured crew member into a life jacket, Kennedy held on to one of the click here with his teeth and towed the wounded man as they all swam for shore. Five personal essay on hopes and fears for the future href="/khan-academy-xbox-one.html">khan academy xbox one later, they reached land and were hopes and fears to rest, but could find no help.
It was only after swimming to two other islands that they found natives with access to the U. They were rescued after a native delivered a message written by Kennedy on a coconut.
These are letters we received in response to articles that appeared in our Oct. When the final sunset comes, will I be able to walk away knowing I had completely enjoyed the days of my life? I often find myself thinking and reflecting.
Ареной почти не пользовались, каким образом действуют их машины, навсегда застыв согласно образу в ячейках памяти; но ведь можно было изменить сам этот образ, здесь он доставлял удовольствие. -- Он прошел через одно из окон. Влияние этого, то превосходящих его в ней нет, но и сотни других народов.
Ты, и Центральный Компьютер по просьбе Олвина убрал ее, мой наставник, он протянул ей свой плащ, - сказал Хилвар, когда я должен буду выяснить. Интересно, что эти неудобные факты не поколебали его преданности.
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