Enter search string Select search area Search internal pages at LiU. A number of rules liu regulations govern the way in which a degree project is done at IEI. Presentation liu of these rules and regulations are determined by LiTH and the different programme boards and can be found in the university handbook, while others are specific to IEI. There can be certain differences in the way in which the degree projects are carried out even within the Institute.
This is why in addition to the directives which are common to IEI there are also those which are master thesis presentation specifically geared to students whose degree projects are within the fields of management or technology, respectively.
A student who is doing a degree project at IEI is liu to be aware of these master thesis presentation buy liu accounting papers xtremepapers regulations, both those that are common and those that are specific master thesis IEI.
To the right, presentation liu are a number of links which are presentation liu general interest, e. Below, you will find which departments belong to the School of Management and which come under Technology, along with the name of the contact person for the different departments.
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If you then have any questions, you are welcome to contact us. You may contact either the contact person in the department master thesis presentation liu master thesis presentation liu below or one of the people who works with the more general routines for degree projects at IEI.
For further information about degree work in master thesis presentation liu following departments, contact the people master thesis.
The first link below link the webform for the study counsellor you have to use in order to be able master thesis presentation register for the master's thesis course code. Please, note that you should also sign up for a thesis work at IEI. Use the web form in WexUpp you can find on the left side presentation liu this.
Web registration form for master thesis presentation liu Master's thesis course. Per-Olof Brehmergeneral responsibility for degree projects Kristina Dalberggeneral responsibility for administrative questions management Maria Erikssongeneral responsibility for administrative questions technology For further information master thesis presentation liu degree work in the following /phd-thesis-high-performance-computing-wiki.html, contact the people below.
Useful links The first link below is the master thesis for the presentation liu counsellor you have to use in master thesis presentation liu to be /fsu-masters-thesis-ideas.html presentation liu register for the master's thesis course code.
Enter search string Select search area Search internal pages at LiU. The thesis should consist of no more than words, which is equivalent to about 70 pages of normal text.
Enter search string Select search area Search LiU. We have made a document template which might help you in your report writing. The template is in A4 format but the printing shop will scale down to correct format before printing.
Every semester students engaging in tutorial and thesis work are required to participate in at least one colloquium, during which they are called on to summarize the problems and progress of their work. These colloquia are extremely useful and are open to all Honors College students, who learn a great deal about the process from attending.
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