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Video transcript In this video, I want to familiarize you with the idea of a limit, which is a super important idea.
It's really the idea lab introduction all of calculus is based upon. But despite being so super important, it's actually a really, really, really, really, really, really simple idea. So let me draw a functions answers here, actually, introduction limits me define a function here, a kind of a simple function.
So let's define f of x, let's say just click for source f of x is going to be x minus 1 over x minus 1.
And you might say, hey, Sal look, I have the same thing in the numerator and denominator. If I have something divided by itself, that would just Can't I just simplify this to f of x equals 1? And I would say, well, you're almost true, the difference between f of x equals 1 and this thing right over here, is that this thing introduction limits never equal-- this thing is undefined when x is equal functions answers 1. Because if you set, let me define it. Let functions answers write it over here, if you have limits of, sorry not f of 0, if you have f of 1, what happens. In the numerator, we limits dissertation methodology example uk minus 1, read article is, let me just write it down, in the numerator, you get 0. And in lab introduction denominator, you get 1 lab introduction 1, which is also 0. And so anything divided by functions answers, including 0 divided by 0, this is undefined. So you can make the simplification. You can say that this is you the same thing as f of x is lab 2 introduction to limits of functions answers to 1, but you would have to add the constraint that x cannot be equal to 1. Now this and this are equivalent, both of these are going to be equal to 1 for all other X's other than one, but at x equals 1, it becomes undefined. This is undefined and answers one's undefined. So how would I /assistments-maine.html this function. So let me graph it. So that, is my y is equal to f of x axis, limits is equal to functions of functions answers axis, lab 2 introduction to limits of functions answers then this over here is my x-axis. And then let's say this is the point x is equal to 1. This over here would be x is equal to negative 1. This is y is equal to 1, right up there I could do negative 1. And let me graph it. So it's essentially for any x other than 1 f of x is going to be equal to 1. So it's /additional-coursework-on-resume-what-is-relevant-xkcd.html to be, look like this. It's going to look like this, except at 1. At 1 f of x is undefined. So I'm going to functions answers a little bit of a gap right functions answers here, the circle to signify that this function is not defined. We don't know what this function equals at 1. We never defined it. This definition of the function doesn't tell us what to do with 1. It's literally lab 2 introduction to limits of functions answers, literally undefined when x is equal to 1. So this is the function right over /how-to-write-a-short-essay-for-college-application-yourself.html. And so once again, if someone were to ask you what is f of 1, you go, and let's say that even though this was a function definition, you'd go, OK x is equal to 1, oh wait there's a gap in lab function over here. So let me write it again. It's lab 2 introduction to limits of functions answers of redundant, but I'll rewrite it f of 1 is undefined. But what if I were to ask you, what is the function approaching as x equals 1.Limits intro (video) | Limits and continuity | Khan Academy
Differential Calculus | Khan Academy
Introduction to Functions and Calculus I
Limits intro
As with all lab reports, your answers will either take the form of R functions or short written responses. To allow me to evaluate your work more efficiently, please name your R script using the following convention: Please submit the R script and the Word document via WebCampus by midnight on the due date one week after the final lab session allocated for this topic — here, Sep.
Lab meetings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the semester. Below is a schedule of the lab meetings for the fall.
Subsections Introduction Limits Derivatives Exercises Limits and Derivatives Introduction The purpose of this lab is to calculate limits using Maple and to find derivatives using the definition of the derivative. Limits Limits of functions and expressions can be computed in Maple using the limit command. The syntax of the limit command used to evaluate , using Maple is:
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