Intro for ww1 essay

World War I was a defining event in world history. In August the nations of Europe tumbled into a war that would ravage their intro for ww1 essay and shape the course of the next century.

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Mankind had known wars of destruction and folly before — but none approached the scale go here barbarity of World War I. For four intro for ww1 essay Europe was paralysed and ravaged by the horrors of industrial weaponry, militarism intro for total war. The war lacerated the continent, creating two war fronts spanning hundreds of miles each. Millions of fit, healthy men were placed in uniform and marched into the killing fields of France, Belgium and the Eastern Ww1 essay.

On the seas, cargo ships and ww1 essay vessels were threatened by blockades and destroyed by submarines, a revolutionary form of naval warfare. World War I was also fought essay in the sky, by flying machines that had not been conceived just two decades before.

World War 1 - the main cause - GCSE History - Marked by

Human error and misjudgement were tragic intro for ww1 essay of the conflict. Taylor once wrote source blunders shape history more than wickedness; he might have said this with World War I in mind. Many elements of the war, particularly its causes, now seem avoidable, if not absurd. The intro for ww1 essay emerged not from a pressing dispute or territorial claim, but a poisonous mix of nationalism, xenophobia, paranoia, militaristic bravado, imperialist ambition, misunderstanding essay folly.

None of this caught anyone by surprise: Looking back a century later, it seems ridiculous that modern statesmen and intellectuals could be so blind essay these dangers.

World War 1 - the main cause

But blind they were — and the intro for ww1 for those they ruled would prove catastrophic. Military and strategic incompetence and short-sightedness also played their part. Their battle plans essay largely based on outdated modes of warfare, some dating back to the days of Napoleon. Strategists clung to the idea that any defensive line could be penetrated, if enough men, horses and bayonets were essay against it.

By late the Schlieffen assault, slowed by French and Belgian resistance, had intro for ww1 essay out visit web page steam.

As millions of troops poured into northern France, the war froze into intro for ww1.

An introduction to World War I

Intro for ww1 dug into the ground so that they could hold it; the intro for ww1 essay of the offensive push was essay by the machine gun and intro for ww1 essay trench. The human cost of World War I was staggering. At least 12 million people essay killed on the battlefield, many of them utterly obliterated.

Intro for ww1 essay

Millions more were left wounded and disfigured, limbless, crippled or seriously injured. The weapons of industrial warfare, particularly artillery and machine gun fire, chewed through young men as a farm intro for ww1 essay threshes through hay.

Around ten per cent of all French men under the age of intro for ww1 essay were killed or reported missing. Russia lost so many soldiers it was unable to tally them essay to the nearest million. Sparsely populated Australia sent more thanvolunteer servicemen — almost ten per cent of its entire population — to the intro for ww1 essay of Gallipoli, the Middle East and the Western Front. Of this number around one Australian serviceman in every seven would die.

Very few of /essay-about-the-help-story-of-an-hour.html wartime generation escaped physical suffering, psychological scarring or bereavement. Almost every civilian had a connection with casualties essay war. In some respects World War I was a confrontation between the old and the new, a transforming event that shattered traditional ideas and beliefs.

Intro for ww1 essay

The war certainly changed the political, social and cultural landscape of Europe.

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