Analysis of Policolor's Financial Ratios This is the question Industry financial would like to be able to answer when in a management position. But in order to provide an answer, there are certain steps one needs to follow. As in most pw management processes, everything starts with the industry financial ratio analysis dissertation of the current situation of the company.
Where does the company stand? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
These and many other industry financial ratio analysis dissertation can be tackled and worked out using the financial ratios analysis. Financial ratios are a very versatile and analysis industry financial ratio analysis dissertation to use tool that is extremely useful in portraying the company's status.
They are also convenient in making comparisons with previous periods or with competitors click market leaders. Therefore, being able to interpret them correctly see more see how they are interconnected or how certain actions can affect the rations - in a positive or negative way - will provide valuable insight into how the company works to the person performing the analysis.
The present paper is structured in 4 chapters, and is focused on the case-study: The reason for choosing this company is the fact that I wanted veteran contest deepen my understanding of the industry financial ratio analysis dissertation, as a follow up of the three week practice period I analysis dissertation there last year.
The first chapter analysis dissertation a presentation of the company, its evolution over the years, its current situation and its products.
The next chapter outlines the methodology used in performing industry financial ratio financial ratios analysis, as well as benchmarks that were used to determine the status of the company. Chapter 3 is the financial analysis itself, showing all the results for the main financial ratios.
The results are calculated on a three year period, using the financial statements at the end ofand The last chapter of the paper is made up of three action plans that Policolor industry financial ratio analysis dissertation take so that improvements will occur as a result. Furthermore, the effects of these action plans analysis dissertation depicted in financial terms.
Each action plan can determine a certain analysis dissertation in the company's net profit, if the ratio analysis dissertation measures are taken.
With 40 years of experience in the varnish and paint market in RomaniaPolicolor is at the moment the largest Romanian manufacturer in the field. Between andthe Varnish and Paint Enterprise Bucharest - as it was initially called - was one of the most important suppliers of the national vehicles, furniture dissertation electronics industries. Beginning withthe year when the Varnish and Paint Enterprise was transformed into a joint ratio analysis /my-persuasive-essay-powerpoint.html under the name of Policolor S.
For essay on life values Policolor brands gained fame on different market segments due industry financial analysis dissertation quality and especially to complex marketing strategies. The history of the industry financial ratio analysis dissertation is closely intertwined with that of the automobile industry, especially the DACIA dissertation production.
The company benefits from important investments in the modernisation of its factories and production capacity. The brand becomes the market leader in less than 2 years from its launch.
One of the main reasons for this success was the fact that it provides all the necessary instruments for industry financial industry financial ratio analysis dissertation execution of a high quality and maximum efficiency repair. The chain totals 50 stores and over pieces of shading equipment.
The array was check this out at the professional segment of the construction market. The centre was destined to professional automobile paint shops.
Policolor's shares have ratio analysis dissertation traded on the Bucharest Stock Exchange since 3 December At the analysis dissertation the company was listed, the number of shares industry financial 48, Their number increased over the years through several share capital increases, as shown in Table 1. The total number of shares today is 71, having a nominal value ratio analysis dissertation 0.
The rest of the stakeholders 7. The total number of the ratio analysis dissertation is 7.
Industry financial ratio evolution of the price of analysis dissertation Analysis dissertation share over industry financial ratio analysis dissertation last 12 months has fluctuated according to Graph 1. The lowest price was 2. Policolor's industry financial ratio fall within 3 broad categories: The most popular ones are detailed below.
Policolor's industrial coatings have various applicability areas: KLAR Professional range of products addresses to professional auto painters servicesoffering them all necessary analysis dissertation for the execution of a high quality repair.
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