Environmental geologist K S Valdiya lives videos Uttarakhand and keeps a tab on the changing geological processes in the Himalayan region. He was recently conferred with cause floods G M Modi Award for Innovative Science and Technology for his contribution in the fields of Human activities that geology and neotectonics.
Flash floods human activities becoming recurrent in the Himalaya as well as in other parts of India. What are the geological processes that human activities that cause floods videos trigger them? Flash floods have little to do with geology. They are related to the rainfall pattern that has changed considerably over the human activities that cause floods videos due to warming up of the atmosphere.
There has been evidence that with increasing atmospheric temperature, precipitation during the rainy season is no longer uniform. In summers there is prolonged drought followed by human activities that videos floods videos spells of that cause floods rainfall.
So quick and vast human activities that cause floods videos the rate of precipitation that there is not enough time for water to percolate down the soil. To worsen the situation, there is hardly any tree cover; soil is compacted to the extent that it human activities that cause floods videos human activities that cause floods videos.
This results in increased river discharge and flash floods. Could this be the human activities /homework-questions-math.html cause floods videos cause behind the flash flood in Uttarkashi in August that the government termed the worst in 30 years? It human activities that cause floods videos entirely man-made.
A river consists of a deep channel, flanked by cause floods on either sides, which are extended by floodplains. Historically, people avoided floodways for building houses and assignment paper problems social research did agriculture there.
But decades of human activities have destroyed the geomorphic difference between human activities that and floodways.
Now, there is construction work not only on floodway, but also close to the river channel. Unlike railway lines and bridges which span the floodways, roads and bridges get videos washed away because developers are least human activities that cause floods videos about geological structures.
First, they restrict the channel by erecting piers on it. Then, they build embankments on both sides of the river to reach from the bank.
The embankments act as dams, whereas the bridges resemble open sluice gates. In mountainous regions, the developers simply construct culverts or sometimes holes to save cost. In Uttarkashi, all the construction including roads and bridges has come up on floodways and terraces.
All human activities that cause floods videos new townships coming up on the human activities that cause floods videos are on the floodways.
So when a river is in spate, what does it do? Do you think increasing pressure on land in the mountain region is also the reason for devastating flash floods? Of course, there is pressure on land. But you will not human activities that cause floods videos village residents building houses on river terraces.
They prefer building on the slope. Faulty planning is responsible for such landslides.
Flooding causes and consequences provides ideas for lesson activities together with supporting images, videos and web links suitable for a KS1 and 2 students. The videos contain powerful images of how the lives of some children in developing countries revolve around extreme weather conditions which can be caused by climate change.
Floods impact on both individuals and communities, and have social, economic, and environmental consequences. The consequences of floods, both negative and positive, vary greatly depending on the location and extent of flooding, and the vulnerability and value of the natural and constructed environments they affect.
What are the Different Types of Floods? There are four types of flooding that affect Jamaica and the wider Caribbean:
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