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Turn on thread page Beta Toggle. Average time to write an essay? Start new discussion Closed. Psycho Follow 2 followers 2 badges Send a private message to Psycho Follow 1 Follow 2 About a week, may be a few days more.
Follow 3 Usually, I spend a day how long does it take to write a university essay the research and writing a quick plan, then write the essay itself in about two hours. Of course, that assumes I actually know what research I need to do, and how.
Follow 4 I've done one in two days before - one for research, the other for writing. On average however I would say 3 - 5 days, depending on how long I take to research.
I usually do the write up in one night. Jelkin Follow 6 followers 14 badges Send a private message to Jelkin. Follow 5 If it's assessed, I spend far longer than the others who have posted! Follow 6
Writing a research assignment for your classes can be a daunting task. Research paper writing requires much input:
It depends on a whole lot of things. A dissertation would usually be in the region of 12, words, and university assignments can stretch to essays of 5, words.
The essay is used as a form of assessment in many academic disciplines, and is used in both coursework and exams. It is the most common focus for study consultations among students using Learning Development.
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