Help with school holidays 2013

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Cheaper breaks in the school holidays: The options

Is it fair for airlines and holiday companies to charge much more help with school holidays 2013 the school holidays than in term time? But since a Devon father's Facebook "rant" on the subject went viralmore thanpeople have signed a petition calling on the government to "cap" price rises in the school holidays. The popular petition, now the fifth most signed since the government set up help with school holidays 2013 e-petitions website, asks UK authorities to "enforce action that caps the percentage increase on holiday prices in school holidays".

Mother-of-two Donna Thresher, from Essex, set up the petition thesis bibliography style said holiday companies should also be forced holidays 2013 advertise term-time holiday costs when selling article source in the school holidays - allowing customers to see the difference.

Theresa Greenwood, who has four children and lives in Manchester, said a cap could stop many parents being "priced out of even the cheaper end of the market". Another parent, Help with school holidays 2013 Bower, from Sheffield, said: But responding continue reading the e-petition, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills said it was "for businesses to decide the market worth of their products".

Term Dates and Diary

And travel journalist Simon Calder said: Richard Singer, of travel deals company Travelzoo, set up an e-petition calling for Airport Passenger Duty APD to be suspended or reduced during the school summer holidays. The petition, which has been signed by more holidays 2013 38, people, says the move would help end the "parent trap" of inflated holiday help with school holidays 2013.

Zoe Keene, a member of Holiday Holidays 2013 Increase, a Facebook group set up to campaign for reduced prices, said tax breaks would be "easier to implement" help with school holidays 2013 trying to get holiday help with school holidays 2013 to cut prices.

Responding to /thesis-theme-custom-functions-graph.html Travelzoo e-petition, the Treasury said APD played an "important part in see more this government's stabilisation of the UK's public finances".

Help with school holidays 2013

APD is paid by airlines - not directly by passengers - and the Treasury said there could be no guarantee of savings being "passed on fully" to customers even if the tax was cut.

Help with school holidays 2013 Association of British Travel Agents said the travel industry "would welcome" staggering of school holiday dates to avoid high demand in short periods.

Mother-of-one Emma Lowther, from Plymouth said: John Lamerton, also from Plymouth, whose wife is a teacher, said: He said staggering help with school holidays 2013 "soften the blow" of synchronised holiday dates and create a more stable market for travel firms with "increased 'holiday' periods for family-friendly destinations".

Help with school holidays 2013

But mother-of-four Adele Large, from Evesham in Worcestershire, said staggering holidays would not be "fair on those with children at different schools". Since Septemberholidays 2013 teachers help with school holidays 2013 England have been able to grant absences for holidays only in "exceptional circumstances".

A petition on campaigns holidays 2013 38 Degrees, calling for the rule change to be reversed, has been signed more thantimes.

UK bank holidays -

Mother-of-four Emma Matthews, from Brixham in Devon, said: Why break something that works? Help with school holidays 2013 said rules against term-time breaks holidays help with school holidays 2013 "target the parents of children whose attendance is poor".

Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming, who put the holiday prices petition forward for here in Parliament, said "greater discretion for head teachers in some circumstances" was one possible solution to the holidays 2013.

These double if they are not paid within 28 days.

Help with school holidays 2013

Paul Cookson, whose Facebook post sparked mass support for the petition, said its call for help with school holidays 2013 regulation school holidays 2013 unlikely to be successful. He said it raised awareness, but the best chance of success would be for a major holiday provider to voluntarily stop increasing prices during school holidays.

Mr Cookson said help with school help with move would bring a company thousands of loyal customers, and could force others to follow suit.

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M ichael Gove wants to shorten school holidays, saying they were designed back when the UK still had an agricultural economy, and cites the "tattie holiday" as an example. The extra-long October halfterm in parts of Scotland got its name because it was "the period when kids would go to the fields to pick potatoes", he explains. Such holidays, he insists, represent "a world that no longer exists".

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C hildren and teachers may be counting down to the start of the summer holidays this week, but millions of parents will struggle to keep a lid on the cost of keeping families entertained during the longest break of the year. However, provided you know where to look, there are plenty of free activities, as well as discounts.

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