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After the recent heartbreaking mass shootings, the gun control debate has reached its boiling point. Do we need gun control laws?
For instance, the issue of gun control has featured extensively in the news in the recent past, following a stream of unfortunate events of people misusing their firearms to threaten or even kill civilians. The issue of gun control is not new to us, and therefore, we might have come across this debate and have already formulated own opinions regarding the matter; therefore, putting it on paper to create a gun control essay will not be that difficult now, will it?
Gun control is a relatively hot topic in politics when it comes to the United States. Other countries may not necessarily see gun control is such a big issue, but due to the Second Amendment in the United States, there are huge political arguments around whether or not they should be any restrictions on the sale and acquisition of guns. Of course, there are plenty of individuals involved within the debate, not least the NRA, who have a huge political it.
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