Deposited on Mar in Research - Coventry. Last modified on Mar Visit the Format home page format find out more or search the collections. Research - Coventry Version: The fact that sequential algorithms do not scale with multicore systems nor benefit from parallelism remains a major challenge to scheduling in the Grid.
As multicore systems grid computing ever more pervasive in our /german-homework-help-sites.html lives, over reliance on such systems for click parallelism does not offer the best option in harnessing the benefits of their multiprocessors phd thesis Grid scheduling.
An explicit means of exploiting parallelism for Grid scheduling is required.
The Group-based Thesis format Multi-scheduler for Grid introduced in this grid computing phd is aimed at effectively exploiting the benefits of multicore systems for Grid job scheduling by splitting jobs and machines into paired groups and independently multi-scheduling jobs in parallel from the groups. The Read article method splits jobs into four priority groups based on grid computing phd thesis format attributes and uses two methods SimTog and EvenDist methods to group machines.
Then the scheduling is carried out using the MinMin algorithm within the discrete group pairs. The Priority method was implemented and compared with the MinMin scheduling algorithm without grouping named grid computing phd thesis thesis format MinMin in this research.
The analysis of results compared against the ordinary MinMin shows substantial improvement in speedup and gains in scheduling efficiency. The two methods used the same machine grouping methods as used with the Priority method, but were able to vary the number of groups and equally exploited different grid computing phd thesis format of grouping jobs to ensure equitability grid computing phd thesis format jobs in groups.
The MinMin Grid scheduling algorithm was then executed independently within the grid computing phd thesis format group pairs.
The conclusion is reached that grouping jobs and machines before scheduling improves the scheduling efficiency significantly. Computational grid computing phd thesis format Computer systemsParallel scheduling Computer scheduling. Some materials have dissertation proposal powerpoint removed from grid computing phd thesis format thesis due to third party. Pages where material has been removed are clearly marked in the electronic version.
The unabridged version of the thesis can be viewed at grid computing phd thesis format Lanchester Library, Coventry University.
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