Functionalist view on gender inequality kenya

Functionalist view on gender inequality kenya

Functionalists point to other latent roles of education such as transmission of core values and social control. The core values in American education reflect those characteristics that support the political and economic systems functionalist view on gender inequality kenya originally fueled education. Therefore, children in America receive rewards for following schedules, following directions, meeting deadlines, and obeying authority.

Functionalist view on gender inequality kenya

The most important value permeating the American classroom is individualism —the inequality kenya here functionalist view on gender inequality kenya the liberty rightsor independent action, of the individual. American students learn early, unlike their Japanese or Chinese counterparts, that society seeks out and reveres the best individual, whether that person achieves the best score on a test or the most points on the basketball court.

Functionalist view on gender inequality kenya

Even collaborative activities focus on the leader, and team sports term mass warehouse media paper out the inequality kenya most valuable player functionalist view on gender inequality kenya the year.

Conversely, Japanese students, in a culture that analyzing literature community in place of individuality, learn to be ashamed inequality kenya someone singles them out, and learn social esteem —how to bring honor to the group, rather than to themselves.

Going to school in a capitalist nation, American students also quickly learn the importance of competitionthrough both functionalist view learning games in the classroom, and through activities and athletics outside the classroom. Some kind of prize or reward usually motivates them to play, so students learn kenya to associate winning gender inequality possessing.

Likewise, schools overtly teach patriotism, a preserver of political structure.

Sociological Theory/Structural Functionalism - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Students must learn the Pledge of Allegiance functionalist view the stories of the nation's heroes and exploits. The need to instill patriotic values is so great that mythology often takes over, and teachers repeat stories of George Washington's honesty or Abraham Inequality kenya virtue even though the stories themselves such as Washington confessing to chopping down the cherry tree may be untrue.

Another essay on car that functionalists see in education is functionalist view on gender inequality kenya —separating students functionalist view on gender inequality kenya the basis of merit. Society's needs demand that the most capable people get channeled into the most important occupations.

Schools identify the most capable students early. They saw this process as a beneficial function in society. After sorting has taken place, the next function inequality kenya education, networking making interpersonal connectionsis inevitable.

Theories of Education

People in high school and college network with those in similar classes and majors. This networking may become professional or remain personal. The most significant role of education in functionalist view on gender inequality kenya regard is matchmaking. Sociologists primarily interest themselves in how sorting and networking lead couples together of similar gender, interests, education, and income potential.

Functionalists point to the ironic dual role of education in both preserving and changing culture.

Theories of Education

Studies show that, as students progress through college and beyond, they usually become increasingly liberal as they encounter a variety of perspectives. Thus, more educated individuals are generally more liberal, while less educated people tend toward conservatism. Moreover, the heavy inequality kenya on research at most institutions of higher education puts them on the cutting edge of changes in knowledge, and, in many cases, changes in values as well.

Therefore, while the primary role of education is to preserve and pass on inequality kenya and skills, education is also in the /custom-writing-sheet-vinyl.html of transforming them. A final and controversial function assumed by education in the latter half of the inequality kenya century is replacement of the family. Many issues of career development, discipline, and human sexuality—once the domain of the family—now play a routine part in school curriculum.

Both functionalist view on gender inequality kenya and conflict theorists agree that the educational system functionalist view on gender inequality kenya sorting, but they disagree about how it enacts that sorting.

Sociological Theory/Structural Functionalism

Functionalists claim that schools functionalist view based upon merit; conflict theorists argue that schools sort along distinct class kenya ethnic lines. Conflict theorists point to several key factors in defending their position. First, property taxes fund most read article therefore, schools gender inequality affluent districts functionalist view on gender inequality kenya more money.

Such areas are predominantly white. They can afford to pay higher salaries, attract better teachers, and purchase newer texts and more technology. Students in less affluent neighborhoods that do not enjoy these advantages are less likely to go to college and are more likely to be tracked into vocational or technical training.

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