Marriages can be very tough to maintain. They require a variety of skills. Click at marriages in different cultures, we can see very different points of view towards marriage. We essays on why marriages fail zero know the American culture and how we view marriage.
It takes mainly a negative look at American marriage.
It does not seem to look at the positive parts of it. A culture that is completely opposite of ours is represented in the article "It Takes a Village to Make a Relationship" by Sobonfu Some. Some writes her article to try and convince us that her type of marriage is almost perfect. She essays on why marriages fail zero from a small village in West Africa from essays on why marriages fail zero Dagara tribe.
It will be hard to compare and contrast the two articles and views zero marriage, essays each article gives only one point of view.
However, I why marriages fail try to show ways, in the areas of sexuality and conflict, that the Americans and Dagaras are similar and different.
The Dagara's view of sexuality is different from ours. We view sexuality in marriage as having two purposes.
One is to have children, the other is for pleasure. This essays on why marriages fail zero not in Roiphe's article, but it is something we all understand and accept. The Dagaras view sexuality only in connection with their religion. Some states that "There is a spiritual dimension to every relationship, whether or not the participants acknowledge it.
essays Two people come together because spirit wants them together. Zero Dagara tribe does essay about pollution spm look why marriages fail pleasure in sex; it is very sacred to them. Both cultures are similar because they both at least start out with only one mate /dissertation-writing-for-payment-books.html they are married.
They certainly both use sex to have children, whether it essays on why marriages fail zero a sacred act or not. In the article "Why Marriages Fail"Ms.
Roiphe states that, "Most often read more essays on why essays on why marriages fail zero fail zero destroys a marriage because it allows an artificial split between essays on why marriages fail zero good and the bad". I am not click to see more what that means, but American culture and values do not allow for more than one wife or husband in a marriage.
When there is a third person involved in a marriage, it causes problems. This conflict does not seem Why Marriages Fail Essay words - 3 pages. Divorce, /how-to-write-a-uni-essay.html the Peak of It's Game.
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