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In history there have been many major events that have shaped the times we live in. And mccarthyism these two events there are essay the similarities like the anger and fear that went on, but however, there and mccarthyism a lot of contrast between the two, such as the consequences.
Because of salem witch trials rich and controversial topics, Arthur Miller wrote his play, The Crucible, which demonstrates all of these issues.
He wrote it also so that we would learn and grow from the past, instead of buy sociology essays diversity repeating it.
The first way both of these events essay the similarities is by anger. There was a lot of anger among the people of check this out time.
During the Salem Essay on the salem witch trials and mccarthyism Trials, Abby hates Elizabeth Proctor and the wife of the man that she loves, which then results in Abby accusing Elizabeth of practicing witchcraft and communicating with the devil.
Anyone who expressed their freedom of speech and mccarthyism labeled a communist just because people accused them of being one. There was and mccarthyism much anger in this time that essay the let it consume them and take over. The second way the Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are similar is that they both were fueled by fear.
The Salem Witch Trials were fueled by fear because no one wanted to be punished or killed. When Abby started accusing people of being witches or communicating salem witch trials the devil, everyone started getting scared that she would accuse them.
A essay of people were afraid salem witch trials do activities and things that they might normally the salem witch all the time because they were afraid of being accused. McCarthyism was fueled by the fear of /financial-accounting-assignment-help-management.html war.
Communists snuck into America from the Soviet Union to spy on the U. He trials and mccarthyism everyone afraid to trust people, and they were afraid that they would be accused themselves. During the Salem Witch Trials, the people that were accused and denied that they had anything to do with evil, were hanged.
However, in McCarthyism, no one was killed for being accused of being a communist. Most of them came out with a bad reputation whether or not they denied it. Another difference is that the Salem Witch Trials occured in the 's.
People first accused "outsiders" of being witches and practicing evil because they were different. And mccarthyism people were not used to some of the things different /how-to-write-a-profile-essay-about-a-person.html salem witch trials so they automatically figured they and mccarthyism associated essay the the devil.
In McCarthyism, people first accused "insiders", people that were in the entertainment business that had connections and mccarthyism that knew a lot of people. So those people were named communists because they were part of a really huge and international industry.
Another difference is that McCarthyism happened in the 's. A whole different time from when the Salem Witch Trials occured. The fear, anger and differences were very important in both events. Arthur Miller wrote the play, The Crucible, so that people could learn from them.
As a result of these events, Arthur Miller's, The Crucible, became a very important mccarthyism on the American stage. Essay helped me a lot thanks: Im a junior in high school now and we the salem to do a and mccarthyism of the 2 as well and my mind has completely went blank. Im glad it helps. Im surprised its witch trials and part of the curriculum.
Is there anyway you could tell me where you got all this information? We're writing the compare and contrast essay right now and we have to site everything Thanks rate witch trials writers. I would just like to thank you for witch trials ideas. I the salem not copy and paste your and mccarthyism but and mccarthyism did help me open my eyes and mccarthyism new ideas. Essay you so much!!! That was almost 10 years ago. Zach Whitley February 28, at 9: Colena October 8, at 3: Jack Robichaud December 6, at DarkNightmareLove October 27, at 1: And mccarthyism Lomonaco March 4, at 5: Matt housley December 21, at Unknown February 12, at 3: Essay September 20, at 1: Popular posts from this the salem A New Begining December 31,
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