The lord lived in a story house built out of stone.
They had space to just click for source herbs, flowers and vegetables. The manor house had a large garden it has a well in the garden the service village here a fish pond for the fish as for the peasant the only had a house with no windows because the essay on service village life windows were expensive.
The lord had a little of glass for the window the people that lived in the manor house had essay on service village life go out for a loo.
The lord of the life had field for the essay on village life village life but the peasants did not and so the animal had to be kept inside. The peasants got all kinds of diseases because they kept the animal inside.
The kitchens were separated so they had to go outside and make the food. They would life as much as they could because could afford salt for the meat in winter. But the peasant had to feed there pig to make sure that they are fat and there is enough to eat in winter then they will kill the pig to have them for click here essay on service village life at winter time.
Service village manor had too essay on service village life but the peasant had only one room. The manor people had curtains around the walls essay keep flies and spider off.
The important buildings in the village granary where they kept there bread. Dove cote was another important building because that where they would feed the doves.
The last important building was private chapel that was where the lord of the manor prayed. The peasants were not allowed in the private chapel. The 1fields rule of farming is that you are not to hunt animals if you do you will get punished for it the punishment is that your hands will essay essay on service village life chopped off.
The village village life land was important to the peasants because crops grew and the best soil was kept there. It was used to keep grazing and gathering fuels. The peasants did not own land so in return they had to pay essay service lord of the manor or if they did not have any visit web page they had to give him something or do essay for him such as make him food.
Most peasants were farmers. February- peasant digging a ditch March- peasant cutting timber April-peasant planting trees May- nobleman hawking June — peasant hay mowing with a scythe July-peasant using essay on service village life to cut corn August- -peasant threshing with flail.
September-peasant picking grapes October-peasant sowing winter corn November-peasant feed pigs on acorn December-peasant slaughtering the pig Another job that they did was making food for the lord. To do these jobs the life they used they were sickles, scythe, flail, spade and knifes.
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Blog Natural Resources Education Tags: Beautiful scenes of nature, fresh air, hospitable people, and quiet life — all these things come to our mind when we think of the village. Here you can enjoy the natural way of life in full resting from the city bustle.
By Sharon at Dec All our essays are make sure that our experts show the best movies, essay writing village life shows, and we.
Village life represents to living lifestyle and condition of the rural people, but the city life represents the modernity and lifestyle of urban people. We can say that there is the huge difference between a village and urban life.
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