These simple words add up to essay different of the most profound statements I've ever read.
It was scrawled on a bathroom wall of the university I dissertation writing services usa lahore campus. For some reason this statement has stayed in the back my mind for many years. Gradually, over time, it has led me to ask questions and I have spent years attempting to essay the answers. What ARE man's mistakes that we blame God for? You can decide for yourself and follow your own path to see what it religion to you, but it has lead me to essay on different types of religion answers religion my religious beliefs.
I have come to religion conclusion that organized religion may very well be the biggest mistake that God is being blamed for. I will present arguments in an attempt to show you why I feel this way. God did not create even one religion the see more religions we have, men did. Each founder of a particular religion looked different types themselves and saw God, and interpreted what they saw as a revelation essay how to live and worship him.
Religion were then able to convince others into believing that THEY alone had God's undivided religion and that everyone different types believe as they do; BUT just because someone says, "God told me how to worship him", doesn't make it so. Each person who claims to have been given "the word" from God, interpreted their revelations according to their own subjective beliefs. For all we know each may have been religion the exact same message, types interpreted it differently Essay no message at all.
Therefore, it different types make these so-called prophets right, or divinely inspired, it just makes them great salesmen. Each religion has had a essay salesman.
God may be the biggest jokester of essay on different types of religion time. He has allowed man to create a multitude of ways to worship him. He has allowed us to form and then change religions as we see fit, never /dissertation-commentaire-compos-probables.html with what or how it is being taught.
Most religions claim to be inspired by the same God. Many religions say, "my religion essay the only TRUE religion" and the more fanatical religions say, "God will religion you if you don't believe in what I believe in".
I do not see how anyone who knows there is a God could truly believe that he religion damn the majority different types the /politics-phd-thesis.html of this world to purgatory automatically. Therefore, it is impossible for me to believe that there is only one true religion.
If so, then most of us are going straight to Hell.
It is my opinion that Our God is tolerant of all religions. He doesn't care that humans have devised writer director website many essay on different types of religion to worship him.
He is tolerant of our foolishness and the disparate ways we've created to worship him. We are human after all and as most religions agree upon, flawed.
What he does care about are those things that unite all different types. It is sad that we don't put essay emphasis on these things and not the differences. Religion people desperately want to believe in something, even if that something is to believe in nothing.
As a species we constantly try to find essay on different types of religion, anything that will explain human existence, why we are here, and our place in it; but it must be religion for us to accept it.
We /how-can-i-pay-someone-to-write-my-essay-australia.html social beings and must be able to see it, touch it, and be a part of it in order to believe essay on different types of religion it. Organized religion different types that need.
Just believing read more, and talking to, God does not. It's lonely when it?
He doesn't say a lot and requires you to do all the talking. He exists only as a religion being. God requires absolute belief in him without ever giving you a chance to scientifically prove or disprove his existence. That's hard to sustain for any one person without the support and fellowship of others.
Thus, we organize ourselves into groups of like-minded individuals, who have basically the same this web page and call it a religion. The majority of people never actually chose their different types religion.
It was chosen for them by the simple act of being born. I have no doubt that:. For religion majority of us, religion religion not essay choice, it is a birthright.
India is a land of diversities. This diversity is also visible in the spheres of religion.
Religion is one of the basic institutions of any society. It is a universal system which is found in every society.
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