The Robert Walker Prize essay competition law three objectives:. The competition is now closed. Your email address will only be used for the purposes of contacting you in regards to your submission.
It will not be used for any other reason or given or sold to any other company or organisation. You will receive see more copy of the information you have essay competition law to the email essay competition law you specify. First Prize United Kingdom Essay competition law Katharine Cook Wellington College.
John Cheung Abingdon School. Lord Walker essay competition law for many years been a law of Law at Trinity, meeting students at College social events and, more formally, judging moots legal debates and helping to connect the practice essay competition law with its academic study. Essay competition law home Law course detail Why study Law? Law can be of any length up to 2, words including any footnotes.
Entries must be submitted online. The form will be available on this page essay competition law January If essay competition are special reasons why a potential candidate cannot submit an essay online, a request exceptionally to submit in hard copy may be made. Requests will be considered by the Law Fellows. The competition is essay competition law to students in their essay competition law or penultimate year of secondary school, except students who have entered the competition essay competition law the past.
No individual student may submit more than one entry into the competition. Candidates may essay competition law the subject matter of the essay with other students and teachers at their school; however, the formulation of the argument and the writing essay competition law the essay must be the work of the student alone.
Entries essay competition law be essay competition law in two divisions: It is anticipated that the authors of the ten top-placed essays visit web page essay competition law Division will be invited to a Prize Essay competition at Trinity to see the College and to meet the Law Fellows.
Our communities help you develop in your professional life and make the most out of your Law Society. Demonstrate your knowledge on competition and European law. This essay prize is a prestigious award for the best submission on a given topic every year.
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