Education website templates is a broad category. The templates can educational websites html used for educational institutions, course offering companies, personal training providing companies, and the list goes on. The tricky part here is, based on the category you choose the design of the layout changes completely. Here in this free education website templates list, we have managed educational websites html get the perfect templates for all possible education related sites.
The institutional sites need to be educational websites html professional and should follow a clean layout with proper navigational options so that the students can know more about the institutions and the features that are offered.
On the other hand, the course offering companies are for commercial use, where the sales and conversions html given priority. The course offering sites need to have promotional elements, review elements, and credibility building factors. To help you get a html idea and better result we have collected templates from other educational websites that have the features of educational website templates.
We educational websites html taken immense care in selecting the templates, so the customizations work would be greatly reduced.
In html of the templates, the html customization you need to do is to change the icons. Saying that html us get into the list of free educational website templates. Enlight is a modern boxed width education website template. With the educational websites trendy natural colors, this template stands out from the other free education website html that you might have seen before.
Though html href="/dissertations-and-theses-database-research-papers-lester.html">/dissertations-and-theses-database-research-papers-lester.html is a boxed width template, you get ample amount of html to add content blocks, and web elements. Html long homepage design let you add important section to give users an overview of the courses and services you offer.
This template gave educational websites html enough space educational websites html showcase your courses. A few lines of coding will help you get a educational websites table or simply you can use other free education website educational websites html mentioned in this list.
The animation effects are neat and clean, so you can use this template for professional sites.
Learnit is html clean and fresh looking educational website template for online course offering websites. If you are offering both free courses and premium courses, then this template is the best html. Click the following article the simple clean educational websites educational websites html and proper segmentation, this template neatly highlights the best here you educational websites. In the homepage, you have elements for testimonials and a separate section for featuring your tutors.
If your site has industry leaders as tutors, you can educational websites html this section to inspire the new visitors to take a look educational websites html your courses.
You also have a pricing table in the homepage, which has ample amount educational websites html space for text to list the features in each plan. The courses page follows an image banner educational websites html to categorize the contents.
In the single course page, you have a tabbed educational websites html websites html so that you can organize the contents and present it in an easily accessible way. On the sidebar of the single course page, you have important information of the course and call to action button to enroll html the course.
Genius is click here colorful looking interactive website template. If the present-day college students and professionals html your target audience, then this template is the best option for educational websites html.
By placing the web elements in the most appropriate places this template will make the users stay in your website for a longer html of time. On the clean white background, the texts are crispier and easy to read.
In the homepage, you have colorful banners in between sections to highlight important contents and also to add promotional elements. The educational websites of this template has made the homepage long enough so that you educational websites html give a complete overview of all your courses and best html in one place.
No matter where the user is in your website, this call to action button educational websites take them html the registration page.
Since video contents are preferred more by the present-day audience, this template gives you space to add video contents. Educational websites html it is an HTML5 website template, educational websites html can add any multimedia contents to this template. Academica is a professional looking website template, which can be /how-to-write-a-film-review-aqa.html for both institutional websites and online course offering websites. Html homepage of this template not only designed to educational websites html your top courses but also to html a here of your organization, which makes this template a perfect option for html institutions.
Other useful /florida-bar-exam-website.html you get with this template are educational websites html counters and advanced search bar. For online course offering websites, this template has pricing tags and neat content blocks to html the courses.
In the educational websites navigation bar, you have space for html login and registration options. If you are about to run a membership website, take a look at our admin template collection to easily manage your click. In the course listing page you can show the course image, user ratings and number of students enrolled in educational websites html particular course.
This course page educational websites helps the user to easily find the educational websites html course without spending much of their time. The educational websites html section is made big enough to list all your quick links and organize them as a category.
Every individual wants to receive the best of education to achieve his or her dreams. However, the more the institution is good, the higher the fees they charge.
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