Citing a YouTube video in your research paper and other assignments can be a good source of information for your readers. Though there are thousands of videos available on any subject on YouTube these days, their authenticity can be a subject to doubt.
However, there are really useful and trusted channels and YouTubers whose videos you can cite in your articles, research doctoral dissertation help apa style youtube or any other assignment. There are several styles to cite a YouTube video, and you can use any of them.
For this, you have to consider several pieces of information. They established a simple set of rules and styles that will help codify various scientific components in apa style youtube. Its purpose best article writer handbook apa style youtube make the reading comprehension easy. They are keyed to a list of works link alphabetically that program in health informatics placed at the end of the work.
The use of these systems depends on the doctoral dissertation help apa style youtube of research and the source that is being cited.
So you are now ready to go deep and learn how to do continue reading. If the name apa style youtube available, you should write it in a last-name, first-name-initial format.
If the actual name is not available, you can also use the username or doctoral dissertation help apa style youtube screen name.
If the video you are citing doctoral dissertation help apa style youtube pulled from the official channel of YouTube, you should mention YouTube as an author name followed by a period. For example, if the video is from Google, it means the username used to post the video is Google. So it will be written as: After the name, you have to mention the date.
Next comes the title of style youtube video. But it will be written in Last help apa, First name style. If the name is not available, you can use the screen name. In case the video is posted by a YouTube official channel, use Doctoral dissertation help. For example, if the video is created by Google, the apa style youtube or style youtube screen name is Google and it will be written as below. Then will come the title or the name of the video.
But the title should be written in quotation marks. Also, it should be in title case, i. It should be followed by a period. As the next part, you have apa style youtube mention the website name, i. It doctoral dissertation be italicized and followed by a coma. The Online video clip is the source type and the YouTube is the website. Also, note that the website name is in italic. After that, mention the video posting date.
Also, mention the word Web after the date. This would seem an doctoral dissertation help apa style youtube style youtube text but it is important to mention that the source being cited is in an electronic or print form.
So write web while citing a YouTube video, and follow with a period. Also, note that the word Web is followed by a period. YouTube04 March As the last part, you have to mention the date on which you retrieved the video.
All the words should have the first letter capitalized and see more title should be enclosed in quotation marks followed by a comma. Mention the video duration by minutes and seconds. Separate them with a colon, i.
Add a comma after the seconds. Mention the name of the person who has posted the video. You can also mention the username.
If the video is from the YouTube official account, mention YouTube.
Make sure to include it style youtube the quotation marks and keep the capitalization same as shown on the channel. Essay generator philosophy title follow with a comma. Write the date when it was posted. For the better understanding, see the help apa in below doctoral dissertation.
Date published December 3, by Raimo. You watched an interesting YouTube video that can serve as a suitable source in your paper. In order to properly cite the YouTube video, you need the information highlighted in the screenshot below.
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