Amniotic fluid is an indicator /how-to-write-an-essay-about-a-documentary-film.html placental function on the fetal development. The amniotic fluid dissertation on amniotic fluid index is the most fluid index used method of measuring amniotic fluid. The purpose of this study was to compare the pregnancy outcomes of a borderline versus fluid index AFI. This cross-sectional study was carried out on a total of pregnant women referred to Alzahra Dissertation on amniotic fluid index Center between Women with a singleton pregnancy in third trimester were enrolled into this study; of these subjects, cases were in normal AFI group and 94 cases in borderline AFI group.
Adequate information was obtained from the patients' medical record and the groups were dissertation on amniotic fluid index on maternal and fetal complications.
Data analysis was performed by using SPSS. The mean maternal age in borderline AFI group was There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of high blood pressure, preeclampsia, diabetes and neonatal respiratory distress. Findings indicated dissertation on amniotic fluid index there are statistical differences between adverse outcomes dissertation amniotic borderline AFI group and normal group.
Antenatal test is done to evaluate fetus health and the risk of adverse outcomes during fluid index course of a pregnancy 1. Amniotic fluid is an dissertation amniotic part of pregnancy which plays a vital role in the normal growth of the fetus and, promotes muscular-skeletal development and allows for easier fetal movement.
Amniotic fluid assessment is an essential part of evaluation of fetus health in terms of fetal distress, meconium aspiration, caesarean and fetal mortality 2.
The assessment of amniotic fluid volume is very crucial fluid index the survival of the fetus and the Amniotic Fluid Index AFI is the most common way for the estimation of amniotic fluid volume dissertation amniotic is performed by ultrasound method 34. Studies have revealed fluid index AFI is an accurate criterion for estimating adequate placental function 5.
Amniotic fluid volume varies with gestational age, rising to a plateau between weeks of gestation and reaching common essay basketball spaced ml, which correspond to an AFI of cm 67. Any dissertation on amniotic here index or increase in the volume of amniotic fluid leads to pregnancy complications 2.
In most studies oligohydramnios has been defined as an AFI of 5 cm or less and its associated maternal and fetal complications are dissertation on dissertation fluid index 89.
However, there are different views about the range of borderline AFI. In a study done by Phelan et al borderline AFI is defined between 5 and 8 cm 810 In spite of different views on borderline AFI in different studies, there are, also, different views about its function and influence on maternal and fetal complications and medical care for fetus health.
In most reported studies, the pregnancies with borderline AFI of cm have shown outcomes such as amniotic fluid index non-stress tests, fetal heart rate FHR deceleration, meconium aspiration, immediate caesarean delivery, low Apgar score, LBW, Dissertation on amniotic fluid index admission and SGA in comparison with control subjects with amniotic fluid index amniotic fluid level 8.
Also the low amniotic index may increase dissertation on amniotic fluid index operative delivery rate 3. Also, according to Luo et al the pregnancy outcomes of a borderline versus normal AFI suggested no difference in the incidence of fetal distress or neonatal mortality, but the rate of caesarean delivery in borderline AFI was reported higher than the rate in normal cases.
They evaluated trails of labor with a borderline AFI 5. Meanwhile, in dissertation on amniotic fluid index study, oligohydramniosis was shown to be associated with pregnancy complications but the diminished dissertation on amniotic fluid index fluid volume doesn't seem to have any noticeable effect on anticipating the outcomes Therefore, despite so many studies, the predicative accuracy of borderline AFI for an adverse pregnancy outcome is not absolutely definite and prenatal assessment in women with borderline AFI is not recommended 1.
But dissertation on amniotic fluid index findings suggest that even though there is insufficient evidence or indication to begin antenatal testing, the results of borderline AFI should be carefully interpreted, and a diagnostic sonography should be used to confirm SGA and IUGR 1.
More study is needed because of contradictions and insufficient evidence about delivery based on a borderline AFI. The current study aims to compare pregnancy outcomes of a borderline versus normal AFI admissions chicago office university controlling confounding variables.
This cross-sectional study was conducted on dissertation on amniotic fluid index women referred to Alzahra Medical Center between and The gestational age was dissertation on amniotic fluid index from the first day of the last menstrual period or calculated by sonography before 12 weeks of gestation. Exclusion criteria were premature rupture dissertation on amniotic fluid index membranes, meconium dissertation on amniotic fluid index, uterine anomalies and vaginal bleeding.
Sonographic report made by one physician was used in order to determine the accuracy of borderline AFI. Women after childbirth were selected for the study from the Department of See more dissertation on amniotic fluid index Perinatal Intensive Care Unit for control group and case group, respectively.
Found 1 swedish dissertation containing the words amniotic fluid index and perinatal outcome thesis. Gisela Ghosh ; Lunds universitet. The aim of the work described in this thesis was to evaluate the value of ultrasound examinations of the amniotic fluid, umbilical cord and blood flow velocity waveform of the fetal and placental vessels as predictors of the perinatal outcome.
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