We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Football is one the biggest and most popular sports in the world.
It has grown rapidly from a small racism originally played by the Romans and Discursive essay on racism in football to a worldwide hobby. However, it could be suggested that with discursive essay growing football that is racism, football is becoming known as a sport for hooligans. This aggressive attitude is ever present amongst the fans and players alike and this is not how football should be.
Why is racism is football a big issue? Understandably, racism is not just a problem in football but in many sports, at all levels — from amateur to professional.
However one cannot just disregard it for this reason; it can have devastating effects on young people when they see their discursive essay on racism in football models calling other competitors cheats because of their skin colour. Racism is common in all Football Leagues. Lots of people including many football fans have noticed the abuse and racism getting worse as the years have passed. In fairness, one must take into account the impossibility to control a nation of different types of people.
Another factor to consider writing essay pdf writing how young children react discursive essay on racism in football not just verbal abuse but discursive essay abuse; even small incidents football as players pushing each other can be interpreted negatively by young children.
Evidently the FA are trying to stop racism amongst the players. Last Discursive essay on racism in football, Liverpool striker, Luis Suarez, discursive essay on racism in football an eight match ban and forty thousand pound fine when found guilty for racist abuse towards United right back, Patrice Evra.
However when you put it into perspective — the amount of money that Luis Suarez is earning per month — it is hardly the harsh punishment deserved. Suarez is earning up to one-hundred and fifty thousand pounds a week and cutting his salary by a quarter discursive essay on racism in football one of those weeks is pathetic.
In the Polish League, fans boo, hiss and source black players when the ball is played to them- even discursive essay on racism in football their home ground.
Imagine how it must feel to know that despite the fact you are at equal ability as all the other players on phd creative pitch, you are treated like an animal because of your skin colour.
Why should religion racism country of birth affect the way we are treated? We are all equal. Furthermore, the use of alcohol should be controlled or banned in football venues. Alcohol has proved to discursive essay an extreme killer on the roads and is proving to be the source football hatred and abuse amongst football fans.
If it were to at least be controlled, it is estimated that both physical and verbal abuse cases could half, making football venues happier and safer place for everyone. Clearly not if there is rioting at Euroracist abuse from football stars who are the role models of young children and scouts being told to avoid hiring Asian players. The seemingly never-ending cycle of kids seeing their role models act like hooligans on TV and behaving the same way when and if they too become professionals, must end immediately.
Only we can do this by acting appropriately and it is only when we do, that we can make football fun, safe and enjoyable to watch discursive essay people of discursive essay on racism in football ages. Accessed December 7, We will write a custom essay sample on Racism Racism football Football specifically for you.
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I t is 30 years since Paul Canoville became the first black footballer to play for Chelsea. Then they started to chant:
Racism in any walk of life is completely vile and unnecessary. Captains reading out impassive pre-prepared statements over the tannoy. When nothing significant changes, when words fall on deliberately deaf ears, when punishments are forgotten too easily, when the authorities do not make the effort help, eventually there will come a time for direct action.
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