I have seen many people asking for help in data mining and data warehousing phd thesis topics mining forums and on other websites about how to choose a good thesis topic in data mining.
Therefore, in this this post, I graduate admissions essay length address this question.
Personally, I think that designing or improving data mining techniques is more challenging than using already article source techniques. Moreover, you can make a more fundamental contribution if you work on improving data mining techniques instead of applying them. Data mining is a broad field consisting of many techniques such as neural networks, association rule mining algorithms, clustering and outlier detection.
You should try to get some overview of the different techniques data mining and see what you are data warehousing phd interested in. If your goal is phd thesis topics topics to apply data mining techniques to achieve some other purpose e. This requires more thoughts. This helps to see what data warehousing the current popular topics and data mining and kind of problems researchers are currently trying to solve.
It does not mean that you need to work on the most popular topic. Working on a thesis topics topic e. It is easier to get grants or in some case to get your papers accepted in special issues, workshops, etc.
Actually, the most important is that you find a topic data mining and you like and will enjoy working on it for perhaps a few years of your life. Finding a good problem to work on can require to read several articles to understand what are the limitations of go here techniques and data warehousing phd what can be improved.
It is normal that it takes time to find a more specific topic. Therefore, if you are data mining and data warehousing phd thesis topics for a thesis topicit is good to talk with your supervisor and ask for suggestions.
He should help you. Choosing more info supervisor is a very important and strategic decision that every graduate student has to make.
For more information about choosing a supervisor, you can read this post: How to choose a research advisor for M. There are two problems with this question.
I don't think this forum is meant to provide you with these details. Your thesis or essays can be reviewed here but you have to look elsewhere if you need this stuff.
Education and Career Forum. Which are the topics on Data Mining for Ph.
Data mining projects for engineers researchers and enthusiasts. Get the widest list of data mining based project titles as per your needs.
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