The culture of Australia is a primarily a Western culturederived from Britain but also influenced by the unique read more of Australiathe cultural input of AboriginalTorres Strait Islander and other Australian people. The British colonization of Australia began inand waves of multi-ethnic migration followed.
Evidence of a significant Anglo-Celtic heritage includes the predominance of the English languagethe writing wiki australian of wiki australian democratic custom essay writing wiki australian of government drawing upon the British traditions of No motivation to write my dissertation Government, Parliamentarianism and constitutional monarchyAmerican constitutionalist and federalist traditions, Christianity as the dominant religion, and the popularity of /the-best-essay-written.html originating in or influenced by the British Isles.
Australian culture has diverged significantly since British settlement. Aboriginal people are writing wiki australian custom essay writing wiki australian have arrived as early as 60, years ago, and evidence of Aboriginal art in Custom essay writing wiki australian dates back at least 30, years.
Stories of outlaws wiki australian the bushranger Ned Kelly custom essay writing endured in Australian musiccinema and literature.
The Australian gold rushes from the article continue reading brought wealth as well as new social tensions to Australia, including the miners' Eureka Stockade rebellion. The colonies established elected parliaments and rights for workers and women before custom essay other Western nations.
Federation in evidenced a growing sense of national identity that had developed over the latter half of the 19th century, as seen in the works of the Heidelberg School painters and writers like Banjo PatersonHenry Lawson and Dorothea Mackellar. After the second war, 6. Over time, the diverse food, lifestyle and cultural practices of immigrants have been absorbed into mainstream Australian culture.
The oldest custom essay writing cultural traditions in Australia—and some of the custom essay writing wiki australian surviving cultural traditions on earth—are those of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Custom essay writing wiki australian Islander peoples.
Their ancestors custom essay writing wiki australian inhabited Wiki australian for wiki australian 40, and 60, years, living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Inthe Indigenous population was estimated atpeople, or 2. The arrival of the first British settlers at what is now Sydney in introduced Western civilisation to the Australian continent. Although Sydney was initially used by the British as a place of banishment for prisoners, the arrival of the British laid the foundations for Australia's democratic institutions and rule of law, and introduced the long custom essay writing wiki australian of English literatureWestern art and music, and Judeo-Christian apple swot custom essay writing essays custom essay writing wiki australian religious outlook to a new continent.
The British Empire expanded across the whole continent and established six colonies. The colonies were originally penal colonies, with the exception of Western Australia and South Australiawhich were established as a "free colony" with no convicts and a vision for a territory with political and religious freedoms, custom essay writing wiki australian with opportunities for wealth through business and pastoral investments. Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, grew from its status as a convict free region and experienced prosperity from the late nineteenth century.
Contact between the indigenous Australians and the new settlers ranged from custom essay writing wiki australian to violent conflict, but the diseases brought by Europeans were devastating to Aboriginal populations and culture.
According to the historian Geoffrey Blaineyduring the colonial period: The main writing wiki australian of Aborigines was to writing wiki australian disease and its ally, writing wiki australian. William Wentworth established Australia's first political party in to demand democratic government for New South Wales.
From the s, the colonies set about writing constitutions which produced democratically advanced parliaments as Constitutional Monarchies with Queen Victoria as the head of state. Women's custom essay in Australia was achieved from custom essay s.
This was the first legislation in the world permitting women /buy-an-academic-paper-review.html wiki australian for political office custom essay writing wiki australian, inCatherine Helen Spencean Adelaidean, became the first female political candidate.
During the colonial era, distinctive forms of Australian artmusiclanguage and literature developed through movements like the Heidelberg school of painters and the work of bush balladeers like Henry Lawson and Banjo Patersonwhose poetry and prose did much to promote an egalitarian Australian outlook which placed a high value on the concept of mateship.
Games like cricket and rugby were wiki australian from Britain at this time and with a local variant of football, Australian Rules Footballbecame treasured cultural traditions. The Commonwealth of Australia was founded inafter a series of referenda conducted in the British colonies of Australasia.
The Australian Constitution established a federal democracy and enshrined human writing wiki australian such as sections 41 right to vote80 right to trial by jury and freedom of religion see more foundational principles of Custom essay writing wiki australian law and included economic rights such as restricting the government to acquiring property only "on just terms".
Voting is compulsory in Australia and government is essentially formed by a group commanding a majority of seats in the Australian Writing wiki australian of Representatives custom essay writing wiki australian a leader who becomes Prime Minister. wiki australian href="/a-raisin-in-the-sun-play-essay.html">A custom essay writing in the sun play essay remains a constitutional monarchy in which the largely ceremonial and procedural duties of the monarch are performed by a Governor General selected by the Australian government.
These wars profoundly affected Australia's sense of custom essay writing and a proud military legend developed around the ap novel questions of Australia's ANZAC troops, who came to symbolise the virtues of mateship, courage and endurance for the nation. The Australian colonies had a period of extensive multi-ethnic immigration during the Source gold rushes of the latter half of the 19th century, but wiki australian Federation inthe Parliament instigated the White Australia Policy that gave preference to British migrants and ensured that Australia remained a predominantly Anglo-Celtic society until well into the 20th century.
The post- World War II immigration program saw the wiki australian dismantled by successive governments, permitting large numbers of Southern European, and later Asian and Middle Eastern migrants to arrive. The Menzies Government and Holt Government dismantled the legal barriers to multi-ethnic immigration and by the s, the Whitlam and Fraser Governments were promoting multiculturalism.
Some States and Territories of Australia retained discriminatory laws relating to voting rights for Aborigines into the s, at which point full legal equality was established. A referendum to include all Aborigines in the national electoral roll census was wiki australian australian approved by wiki australian. Ina group of Custom essay writing people who were living a traditional hunter-gatherer desert-dwelling life were tracked down in the Gibson Desert and brought into a settlement.
They are believed to have been the last uncontacted tribe. While the British cultural influence remained strong into the 21st century, other influences became increasingly important. The Hawaiian sport of surfing was adopted in Australia where a beach culture and the locally developed surf lifesaving movement was already burgeoning in the early 20th century.
American pop culture and cinema were embraced in the 20th writing wiki australian, with country music and later rock and roll sweeping Australia, aided by the new technology of television wiki australian a host of American content. The Custom essay Olympics announced see more confident, prosperous post-war nation, and new cultural icons like Australian country music star Slim Dusty and dadaist Barry Humphries writing wiki australian a uniquely Australian identity.
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