Compare and contrast high school and college classes

Differences Between High School and College

Your understanding of these differences may help you to better focus your energies for academic pursuit and success. A—Z Index Find People. Toggle navigation Department of Developmental Studies.

Differences Between High School and College.

How College is Different from High School

Differences Between Compare and contrast high school and college classes School and College Please take a minute to read and consider the major differences between high school and and college. High School High school is mandatory high school free unless you choose other options.

Your time is usually /do-homework-coursecompass.html by classes. You need permission to participate in extracurricular activities.

You need money for special purchases or events. You can count on parents and teachers to remind you of your responsibilities and to guide you in setting priorities. High school and will usually be told what your responsibilities are and will be corrected if your behavior is out of line. College College is voluntary and can be expensive.

Compare and contrast high school and college classes

You manage your own time. You must decide whether to participate in extracurricular activities. You need money to meet basic necessities.

Compare and contrast high school and college classes

You will be faced with a large number of moral and ethical decisions you have not had to make previously. College classes must balance your responsibilities and set priorities. High School College classes day you proceed from one class directly to another. You spend six hours each day—thirty compare and contrast a week—in class.

The school year is thirty-six compare and contrast high school and college classes long; some classes extend over both semesters and some do not.

Compare and contrast high school and college classes

Article source carefully monitor compare and contrast attendance.

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