The technology of currency recognition aims to search and extract the visible as well as hidden marks on paper currency for efficient classification.
Currency Recognition and conversion system is implemented cheapest paper currency recognition system reduce human power to automatically recognize the amount monetary value of currency and convert it into the other currencies without human supervision. The software interface that we are proposing here could be used for various currencies we are using four in our project.
Many a times, currency notes are blurry or damaged; many of them have complex designs to enhance security. This makes the task of currency recognition very difficult.
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Our main cheapest paper currency recognition system paper currency recognition system is see more design an easy but efficient currency cheapest paper currency recognition system system that would be useful for maximum number of currencies, because all currencies have different security features, making it a tough job to design one algorithm that could be used for recognition of all available currencies.
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Kanitkar 3 Student, Dept. Chinmay Bhurke 1Meghana Sirdeshmukh 2Prof.
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