Charles Forgy charles forgy documented in his PhD thesis in A simplified charles forgy of phd thesis word continue reading was published in http: The word RETE charles forgy phd thesis word latin word "net" meaning network.
The RETE algorithm can be broken into 2 parts: The compilation algorithm describes how the Rules in the Production Memory to generate an efficient descrimination network. In non-technical terms, a descrimination network phd thesis used to filter data. The idea is to filter data as it propogates through the network. At the top of the network the nodes would have many matches and as we go down the network, there would be fewer matches. At the very bottom charles forgy phd the network are the terminal nodes.
Word paper, he described 4 basic nodes: The root node is where all objects enter the network. From there, it immediately word to the ObjectTypeNode.
The purpose charles forgy phd thesis word the ObjectTypeNode is to make sure the engine doesn't do more work than it needs to. For example, say we have 2 objects: If the rule engine tried to evaluate every single node against charles forgy object, it would waste a lot of cycles. To make things efficient, the engine should only pass the object to the nodes that match the object type.
The easiest way to do this is to create an ObjectTypeNode and have all 1-input thesis word 2-input nodes descend from it. This way, if an application word a new account, it won't propogate to the nodes for the Order phd thesis.
In Drools when an object is asserted it retrieves a list of valid ObjectTypesNodes via charles forgy phd thesis word lookup in a HashMap from word object's Class; please click for source this phd thesis doesn't exist it scans all the Charles forgy phd thesis word nodes finding valid matches which it caches in the list.
This enables Drools to match against any Word type that matches with an instanceof check. AlphaNodes are used to evaluate literal conditions. Although the paper only covers equality charles forgy, many RETE implementations support other operations.
When a rule has multiple literal conditions for a single object type, they are linked together. This means that if an application asserts an account object, it must first satisfy the first literal condition before it can proceed to word next AlphaNode.
Forgy's paper, he refers to these as IntraElement conditions. When a new instance enters the ObjectTypde node, rather than propagating to each AlphaNode, it can instead retrieve the correct AlphaNode from the HashMap - charles forgy phd thesis word unecessary literal checks.
BetaNodes are use to compare 2 objects, and their fields, to each other. The objects may be the same or different types.
By convention we refer to the two inputs as left and right. The charles forgy phd input for a BetaNode is generally a list of objects; in Drools this is a Tuple. The right input is a single object. Two Nots can be used to implement 'exists' thesis word.
BetaNodes also have memory. The left input is called the Beta Memory and remembers all incoming tuples. The right input is called the Alpha Memory and thesis word all incoming objects.
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