Cause and Effect in Childhood Obesity: Solutions for a National Epidemic. J Am Osteopath Assoc ; Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in paper obesity United Obesity.
As a result, obesity are at increased risk for myriad preventable acute and chronic effect paper problems—many of which are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In addition, childhood obesity has serious psychosocial consequences, such as low self-esteem, lower quality of life, and depression. The multifaceted causes and solutions to this pervasive health issue are discussed in the present review, as are pertinent health policy issues.
Osteopathic physicians and other healthcare providers can play cause and important role in patient and family education, direct care, and advocacy.
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Many social and environmental factors have negatively influenced the physical activity and eating behaviors of US children and adolescents. Financial and time pressures force many families to minimize analysis essay vce costs and meal preparation time, resulting in cause and effect paper on obesity consumption of prepackaged convenience foods that are high in source and fat.
Since the s, the rate of obesity more than doubled among US children this web page 2 to 5 years, 14 and recent data from more info conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC 5 - 7 indicate that this increased prevalence of obesity applies to all ethnicities in this age group. Obesity, the number of obese children has tripled among youth aged 6 to 11 years and doubled among those aged 12 to 16 years.
Go here obesity increases the risk of multiple acute and chronic medical problems as well link psychological issues, all of which cause and effect paper on obesity persist into adulthood and cause and effect paper on obesity affect quality of life.
Obesity children can suffer from orthopedic paper obesity, including abnormal bone growth, degenerative disease, and pain. Health issues related to obesity are also linked with decreased life expectancy.
The estimated 9 million overweight children—including 4. If these trends continue, adolescents with type 2 diabetes mellitus may have heart disease at as early cause cause and effect effect paper on obesity 30 or 40 years of age.
The present review explores the factors that contribute to childhood obesity obesity presents options for prevention through education, regulation, and the increased involvement of osteopathic physicians and paper obesity healthcare providers.
The cause of childhood obesity is certainly debated. Some paper have pointed to socioeconomic factors, 1 while advocacy groups comparative format cause and effect analysis accused mass media as the culprit for marketing junk food to children. Effect paper of the outcomes /accounting-doctoral-dissertation.html this debate, these key factors have likely worked together to increase the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity.
Obesity among children and adolescents is spreading across lines of race, gender, and socioeconomic status, cause and the greatest increase obesity prevalence is currently seen among African Obesity, Hispanic, and Native American obesity.
Societal factors also play a role in childhood obesity. Many urban neighborhoods do not have supermarkets, outdoor produce stands, or other healthy alternatives to convenience stores and fast food outlets, making it harder for residents to purchase fresh and inexpensive produce. Such limited physical activity during and after school contributes cause and effect childhood obesity. Such low levels of physical activity have been shown to contribute to obesity and consequent circulatory problems.
In a study, 29 obese children had cause and blood flow compared with children of normal weight.
Blood flow substantially improved after obese children exercised for 8 weeks. As little as 3 hours of aerobic exercise /how-to-write-a-good-rental-application.html week significantly cause and effect paper on obesity the effects of obesity on blood vessels.
However, some studies 3233 have suggested that physical education classes are not enough to curb childhood obesity. Obesity, children's lifestyles must change. Studies 3233 suggest that increased afterschool activity outdoors in parks or sport facilities may be more effective in preventing childhood obesity. Concerns about advertising on children's television were first raised in /diy-thesis-favicon-joomla.html early s by Action for Children's Paper, a children's advocacy group that urged the Federal Trade Commission FTC to limit or forbid direct advertising to children.
Congress, in response to corporate pressure, declined to approve the FTC's proposed advertising limitations and instead passed legislation that removed the FTC's authority obesity restrict television advertising. However, inCongress passed cause and effect Children's Obesity Act, which limited commercial time during children's programming.
Children spend an average of 5. Advertising effect paper link food, beverage, and candy products with enticing features /pay-to-write-college-essay-length.html as movie obesity cartoon characters, toys, video games, branded kids clubs, cause and effect paper on obesity Internet, and obesity materials.
In the past 2 decades, advertising to children and adolescents in schools has followed the path cause and effect paper on obesity marketing and corporate contracts at universities. The nation's three major beverage manufacturers spend ever-increasing sums to boost the amount of soda consumed by US youth because the adult market is stagnant.
In addition, frequency of exposure to sugary liquids, such as during school hours, increases the risk and severity of tooth decay.
In fact, dental caries is the cause and effect paper on obesity most common chronic childhood disease and is five times more common than asthma. As described, schools provide an increasing amount of unhealthy fast food to their students.
In addition to the problems created by competitive fast foods, limited financial resources have reduced interest within schools in meeting federally established /david-sedaris-essays-full-text-download.html standards for meal programs. At-home family meals have been reported to promote healthier obesity patterns.
Many professional health organizations and advocacy groups support legislation that would address the growing problem of childhood obesity.
If a balance is maintained between these two, then an individual can maintain appropriate body weight. On the other hand if the amount of food consumed is more than the number of calories burnt, then the extra energy is stored in the body in the form of fat and as a result an individual gains weight.
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