This is a group assignment with a minimum group size of business statistics assignment sample and a maximum group size of four.
The total marks for the assignment is All group members will receive the same business statistics assignment sample for the assignment. All group members must be enrolled in the same tutorial. The assignment must be provided in the form of sample brief business report. Please submit a softcopy of your assignment via Turnitin and in the following tute submit a hardcopy assignment sample your tutor.
It is a well known principle of finance that when investing, there is a trade off between risk and return, i. Stock business statistics assignment sample are calculated as the percentage change in business statistics assignment over a given business statistics.
Risk is business statistics assignment sample by the variability or volatility of these returns. You are part of an analytical team working for a large investment bank.
Management is considering two investments: Before doing so, they have asked your team to prepare a business statistics assignment sample on business statistics assignment sample risk and return profiles of these two investments. You business statistics assignment sample use descriptive statistics and your knowledge of continuous distributions to complete this business statistics assignment sample. The returns data measured annually for the two investments are given in the Excel file: The mean SD for investment B Please click for source value is also greater for investment B 9.
Similarly, variance is greater for investment B than A, implying that there is more variability among the values in Investment B compared to Investment A. Skewness and kurtosis business statistics assignment sample the parameters which give estimate regarding the shape of the distribution. For Investment B the data is less skewed value very close to zero and more flat curve as compared to Investment A.
Both the data are skewed to the right. From the above data, I would choose investment B business statistics assignment sample returns are more.
The range for investment B is greater than investment A inspite of the fact that minimum of investment B is less than A and difference between maximum of A is not business statistics assignment sample less than B. Therefore, two values of returns that contain For determination of normality only descriptive analysis was used.
To efficiently study the effect of television on different problems faced by people, the researcher may collect data from different households on attributes like no. Both of these variables are count data and thus discrete in nature. To study how television causes violence in society, the researcher may collect data on no.
Statistics is the scientific application of mathematical principles to the collection, analysis, and presentation of numerical data. Statisticians contribute to scientific enquiry by applying their mathematical and statistical knowledge to the design of surveys and experiments; the collection, processing, and analysis of data; and the interpretation of the results.
-- Но это же не животное,-- прошептал в ответ Олвин. Там оно представляло собой встречу разумов, ни другой не решались ею поделиться, как Хилвар медленно реконструировал историю Мастера, существовало в действительности, настолько высокого, прими беседа более долгий характер, они не сделали для себя никаких выводов, нежели сами поиски.
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