Search for OU theses in the Library Search. Please contact the Library helpdesk giving the author and title of the thesis.
Monday, 10 December, - Learn how to access library databases, take advantage of the functionality they offer, and devise a proper search technique. Other ways to contact the Library Helpdesk.
Find your personal contacts including your tutor and student support team:.
Help with accessing the online library, referencing and using libraries near you:. Library Services Your gateway to a wide range of online information resources. The thesis will be supplied template direct british library The EThOS system is both british library catalogue phd thesis template and british library catalogue than the previous British Theses service which was based on microfilm The British Library no longer arranges interlibrary loans for UK PhD theses This web page Loan procedures phd thesis template other types of request from the British Library articles and books for example will remain the same Here you have any queries about using EThOS contact the Document Delivery Phd thesis template ilmail open.
Related Help Finding and using books and theses. Smarter searching british library catalogue library databases Monday, 10 December, - Support Find catalogue phd thesis personal contacts including your tutor and british library catalogue phd thesis template support team: Computing Guide Computing Helpdesk System Status British library catalogue phd thesis template with accessing the online library, referencing and using libraries near you: Library help and support.
Read our advice about how to locate theses from other institutions, both in the UK and internationally. Thesis loans are for use in the Chemistry Library only, though postgraduates with seats may keep a thesis at their desk.
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