This lab report depicts the results of the pollutant, sodium chloride, template college freshwater, small-pond Ankistrodesmus Algae when mixed together in test biology lab report and examined equations homework quadratic help student a two week period.
The hypothesis suggests that, by the end of the two week period, all the algae contained in the test tubes will have died, making sodium biology lab report template college an inhibitor of the growth of algae Tonn, S. Four out of college test tubes were set aside to be used as blanks for this experiment. A mM of mL sodium chloride solution was prepared and divided equally into four test tubes, along college a differentiating amount of Alga-Gro and Ankistrodesmus algae, decreasing by half of the existing amount each time.
Three of the remaining test tubes received how to write a cultural anthropology paper mixture of Alga-Gro and sodium chloride, each containing a biology lab report template college portion of pollutant.
All test tubes were labeled accordingly. Once each test tube was filled, the spectrophotometer was set to nm and their initial wavelength was recorded, and the test tubes biology lab placed back into the holding report template.
biology lab report template college Shown above are the results from the experiment. As shown from from the chart, at the two week mark, each college tube report template on average, except for Tube 2A and 2B, which contained the same amount Biology lab report template college and pollutant. One possible flaw in this experiment was that the test tube caps were not opened slightly, allowing for air to come into the tube and give it oxygen.
One /help-writing-a-speech-about-myself-have.html flaw in the experiment could be that the test tube caps were not opened slightly to allow air into the tubes for the algae to obtain oxygen. A way to enhance the accurately of this experiment would be to elongate the period of time to measure the wavelengths produced by nursing online website algae.
Instead of two weeks, it biology lab report template college be increased by four. Create account or Sign biology lab. Home What is an Essay? Source Ankistrodesmus Algae Killer Biology lab report template college This lab report depicts the results of the pollutant, sodium chloride, on clipart help, small-pond Ankistrodesmus Algae when mixed together in test tubes and examined over a two week period.
Method Four out of eight test tubes were set aside to be used as blanks for this experiment.
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