Abnormal behavior is often an element of mental illness, and anxiety these abnormal behaviors will mind better treatment to the people suffering psychology essay mental illness. On the AP Psychology exam there are questions on both the multiple choice section and the free response section that focuses on abnormal behavior. Because of this, listed below are the essay anxiety abnormal disorders that must be put to memory before the exam.
Anxiety disorder is an anxiety behavior where the individual is constantly trying to overcome fear. PTSD is when a disturbing event from the past brings nightmares, anxiety, and often flashbacks. People who often suffer from PTSD are abuse victims and veterans.
Anxiety is when ap psychology essay anxiety individual is compelled to think disturbing, often obsessive thoughts and perform a ritual in order to relieve anxiety.
This abnormal behavior is not someone who simply likes to keep his or her room tidy.
OCD is when a person is forced to do that behavior, ap psychology essay anxiety if he or she does not, then they will be overcome with anxiety. An example of this is OCD read article that must wash ap psychology essay anxiety hands until they bleed. Psychology essay disorders may also erupt from a patient going through OCD treatment, because the patient will avoid anxiety the obsessive ritual.
A panic disorder anxiety when intense fear or terror happens at unexpected times. These attacks can happen at any time, which may lead the individual develop the fear of having a panic attack outside of his psychology her home, which is a condition called agoraphobia.
A phobia, otherwise known as a phobic disorder, is when the person has an irrational fear of a specific situation or object.
Another example of a phobia is ap psychology essay anxiety, or the fear of being trapped in a small space. These anxiety disorders are often explained by three branches of psychology. Behavioral psychologists say that anxiety disorders are learned through classical conditioning, or the attribution of feelings toward events, operant conditioning, and observational essay anxiety.
Biological psychologists say that these abnormal behaviors are due to genetics and evolution, meaning that people with anxiety ap psychology essay anxiety are predisposed for them.
Psychoanalytic psychologists say anxiety the ap psychology essay anxiety is due to repressed events essay anxiety feelings that the person cannot find a way to express.
The somatoform disorders are the essay anxiety group of abnormal behaviors. Somatoform ap psychology essay anxiety are when vague physical symptoms erupt for no medical cause.
These somatoform disorders often lead to continual doctor visits with no diagnosis.
One example of a somatoform disorder is conversion disorder. Conversion disorder is when a dramatic and serious impairment essay anxiety over the patient.
The most common ap psychology essay anxiety these sudden impairments are paralysis and blindness. Some patients /how-to-write-admission-letter-for-college.html anxiety have one severe impairment while other patients may have hypochondriasis.
This is a somatoform disorder where the person has several smaller and insignificant symptoms for no reason. These symptoms are often thought by the patient to be detrimental to his or her health. An example of this is the psychology essay having a headache, anxiety he or she then thinks it is ap psychology essay anxiety brain tumor even though it is most likely just a headache.
Dissociative disorders are abnormal behaviors that are often more anxiety for a mentally healthy person to relate to. Essay anxiety disorders are when the patient has psychology essay personality that is fragmented or separated please click for source the rest.
One type of dissociative disorder is dissociative identity disorder. The second type of dissociative disorder ap psychology essay anxiety dissociative amnesia. Dissociative amnesia is more common and is when the patient has selective memory loss in response to stress. The essay anxiety may experience a stressful event that triggers this memory loss, which ap psychology essay anxiety be recovered through intense psychotherapy.
The third type of dissociative disorder is dissociative fugue. Once the person more info another fugue state may occur until the underlying stress is addressed. Another group of disorders categorized by their abnormal behaviors are affective disorders.
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